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7 tips for asking for a reference
When you know how to position yourself on a resume, it can be easy to make a good...
The Fake Image: People Who Aren’t What or Who You Think They Are
In an age where public personas are often meticulously curated, it’s easy to fall for the image presented...
What To Do During Your Job Interview
Be Aware of Your Body Language and Tone of Voice It is important to be relaxed and confident....
The ‘Identity Transparency’ Conundrum
As I was applying for summer internships this past spring, I had a lot of difficulty determining what...
Dressing for an Interview When You Aren’t Familiar with the Work Culture
After all the work you have put in to create the resume, cover letter and application content to...
Kamala Harris, the Huntress: Focused, Fearless and Fully in Her Power
In Wendy Weiner’s 2005 play, Hillary: A Modern Greek Tragedy with a (Somewhat) Happy Ending, Hillary Clinton is seen...